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Year 11 Examinations – Latest Guidance

Dear Parents/Carers 
We are currently considering the implications of the new stricter measures announced yesterday by the Prime Minister but wanted to write to inform you of the current DfE guidance regarding Year 11 examinations. Latest information from both OfQual and the examination boards indicate that a range of information will be considered and I would like to reassure our young people that we are committed to making sure they are not disadvantaged in any way. 

The link to the government’s recent statement on how grades will be awarded can be found below, however I feel it might be useful to summarise the key points. 

  • Teachers will be asked to make a judgement on the grade they feel learners would have achieved if they had sat the examinations and completed the course as normal. This judgement will be based on a wide range of evidence not just on recent mock examinations and can include evidence from classwork, homework and in class tests. This may mean that the grade a teacher predicted on previous reports may differ from the final grade they suggest should be awarded. Teachers will do everything to ensure learners are awarded the grades they were on track to achieve.
  • Examination Boards hope to inform learners of the grades they have been awarded earlier than normal at the end of July.
  • An appeals process will be available to learners who feel the grade awarded does not reflect what they would have achieved if they had sat the exam as normal but as of yet I have no information on how this process will work.
  • Learners will be awarded full GCSE and Cambridge national (CNAT) qualifications and will receive certificates as normal.
  • Although full qualifications will be awarded, there will be the opportunity, if learners wish, to sit exams in subjects at some point from September 2020 onwards if they feel they could have done better.  

What young people need to do now? 

  • The most important thing is for learners not to give up on their studies to ensure that they haven’t taken a backwards step when they start college in September. It is particularly important that they maintain high standards of English and mathematics as these are examinations they may want to consider taking in September. They should also be continuing their studies of any subject relating to their proposed post 16 pathway.
  • Any coursework that learners have been asked to complete at home for subjects is now vital as we now know this will be used to inform their final grades. This should be emailed to either your teacher or [email protected].
  • It is vital that learners keep and eventually return any books, mock examination papers, assessment materials and home learner so it can be called upon as evidence if necessary. Staff are on hand to answer any subject specific questions from parents/carers but can I ask that teachers are not contacted about suggested grades. Teachers are working with learners, not against them. We always have the best interests of our learners at heart and need time to reflect on the wealth of evidence they have before making their final judgement.  

We will be in touch with further updates as we get them. In the meantime, stay safe and continue to follow guidance from the government and NHS. 
Yours faithfully 
Mr A.P Landers


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