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February 2021

  • Year 9 'Virtual' Parents Evening

    Published 23/02/21

    I am writing to invite you to attend the Year 9 parents’ evening to be held ‘virtually’ on Wednesday 3rd March 2021.  This will provide the opportunity to discuss   progress this year and discuss any questions you may have regarding the GCSE options process with subject specific staff.

    You should make appointments to see staff using our online booking system.

    Please follow the instructions below to make the appointments with staff you wish to see.  Appointment slots are available from 3.00pm to 6.30pm.  If you are unable to attend the evening during these times, or have difficulty with the booking system, please contact [email protected] and we will be able to assist you.

    The booking system will be open from 12.00pm on 23rd February 2021.  Appointments can be cancelled or re-booked until 10.00am on Wednesday 3rd March 2021.

    Online booking system instructions:

    1. Type into your web browser:
    2. Enter your details and confirm your email address (This needs to be an active email that you have access to as it will send you a confirmation of bookings).
    3. Enter your child’s details (First, Last name and Date of birth), then click on ‘accept and continue’
    4. Select the ‘Year 9 parents evening’.
    5. Tick the teacher for your child.  Check the appropriate boxes for all children if you have more than one child to book appointments for.
    6. Select the time slot and click book.
    7. Once booked please click ‘add appointment’ to accept.  You will then have the option, if required, to leave a message for the teacher to view in advance of the evening.
    8. The booking is now complete.  You can close down your browser. You will receive an email confirming your bookings.

    Appointments will take the form of a 10 minute ‘video call’ with the teacher.  Please find detailed instructions of how to access this in the link below:

    Yours faithfully

    Mr AP Landers

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February 2021

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